Hey all.
Although I am very new to linux, I have to reconfigure my kernal to allow the Linux-WLAN.org project to work for my wlan card. Without internet access its hard for me to do anything, so I need to get this configured kernal working.
I closely followed
http://www.linuxquestions.org/questi...&postid=379355 to attempted to configure my kernal. I am using the same source that came on my install CD (I bought RedHat 9.0 at the store), this means that the kernal I am trying to install is the SAME as the one already working. After numerous failures, I learned to rename EVERYTHING for this kernal (instead of '2.4.20-6' as the current kernal, '2.4.20-6custom' for everything). Everything seemed ok, I edited my grub.conf to use my new kernal.
HOWEVER, upon rebooting I ran into a BIG PROBLEM. GRUB can't load my new kernal. I get the following error message after GRUB tries to load RedHat:
Boot 'RedHat Linux (2.4.20-6)'
root (hd0, 0)
Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83
kernal /vmlinuz-2.4.20-6 ro root=LABEL=/ hdc=idc-scsi
[Linux-bzImage, setup=0x1400, size=0x10f581]
initrd /initrd-2.4.20-6.img
Error 24: Attempt to access block outside partition
Press any evil key to continue
What does all this mean? Can anyone explain what is wrong and how I can fix this (without reinstalling the original RedHat kernal, to modify the grub.conf through GRUB).
ONE IMPORTANT NOTE: this error output message IS NOT WHAT I EDITED AND SAVED IN 'grub.conf' file before rebooting. When I edited 'grub.conf' I MADE EVERYTHING '-2.4.20-6custom', the error only shows '-2.4.20-6'.
Thanks for any help and sorry for making this so long.