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Old 12-13-2016, 11:42 AM   #1
adams kpewa
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2016
Location: Virginia- USA
Distribution: Redhat -Centos
Posts: 20

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error: unpacking of archive failed on file ........:cpio: Digest mismatch

Hello Group,

I have this error issues that says:

error: unpacking of archive failed on file /usr/local/vhive_ssp_/lib/x86/schedlibs/ Digest mismatch

Basically, i'm to install a software call vhive_ssp_x86.

After which i have to create RPM on a test server .

So i have successfully installed the software, copied it from the build server to a test server for RPM to be install. The command i have used to do the install is shown below:

rpm -ivh --nodeps vhivessp-2-1.x86_64.rpm.

So running this command came out with the error shown above.

So i googled and got few commands that intended to be a fix.

here are the other commands i have used:

rpm -ivh --nodeps --nofiledigest vhivessp-2-1.x86_64.rpm.

It appears the software was installed. I was very happy until i ran the next command below here to check if it was in deed, properly install,

rpm -qi vhivessp-2-1.x86_64.rpm.

i then got a result that says

vhivessp-2-1.x86_64 was successfully installed. But wait*** i expect to see

vhivessp-2-1.x86_64.rpm. install NOT vhivessp-2-1.x86_64

So not only that the rpm was not installed, everytime i ran the first command i get a misleading message that the software (vhivessp-2-1.x86_64) is installed.

So it now seemed like using the second command may have mess something up that now do not recognize the difference between actual software ( vhivessp-2-1.x86_64) FROM the created rpm ( vhivessp-2-1.x86_64.rpm.) that needs to be install on the test server .



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