DVD-ROM/CD-ROM unable to recognize debain boot CD
Hope this isn't obvious or all ready covered. I would like to install the Debian distro on my Gateway Solo 5150 laptop. But I have been unable to get the system to boot from the CD's. I am also a tad limited because a few years back my floppy drive died on me, and I am loath to get a new one...
I am operating PhoenixBIOS Release No.: P006, BIOS 11.07, KBC 9.46. Within the BIOS I have gone to the boot menu and put the CD-ROM as the first device followed by removable devices and the hard drive.
The rest of my system specs are a 233 mhz Pentium II, 64 MB RAM (thinking about adding more), the CD-ROM/DVD-ROM is in the laptop. It is a Matshita UJDA510.
I am burning the CD's from a mac, as ISSO 9660, and within windows all of the four flavors are visiable on each of their individual CD's, however no CD gets a rise out of the machine before 98 is already loading.
Other failed half-baked ideas of mine...booting into DOS safemode, but unable to access the CD-ROM then. Setting the primary Master as none, system refused to load, no operating system found.
Thanks in advance...