Well, unfortunately, I don't use Samba myself, but after a little searching with Google, I found this:
Red Hat message
In it, it basically says a guy successfully managed to mount a Windows share with a command like:
smbmount //windows_host/share_name /mnt/point -o username=user,password=pw -u 500 -g 501
Obviously, you need to replace
windows_host, and
share_name with the right values for your Windows machine. Of course,
/mnt/point is just the directory path to where you want to mount the share. Everything else depends on your setup. If your Windows share is password protected, then you'll need to give a username and password. The -u and -g just specify the owner's user ID and group ID for the mounted filesystem, but the guy in the above message seemed to have problems getting that to work.
Give that a shot, and see if it mounts...