Routing from remote ip, to remote ip on linux by iptables
I try (if it is possible), create my simple proxy, to change my ip (by remote host)
So i have "VPS" (ex. in OVH)
My ip (ex.)
VPS IP: (ex.)
Remote Server ip(this is server where i want to connect from my pc):
So i dont want to make any tunnel (to connect to internet via this VPS and redirect ALL traffic from ALL ports)
OK let's see(normal) connection:
my_ip:32498 -> Remote Server:7171 (send , from my pc to remote server)
remote server -> my_ip:32498 (recv)
remote server:7172 -> my_ip:32499 (recv)
my_ip:32499 -> remote server:7172
For ports from my ip i want to make port range (32498,32499,this is random ports port range 30000-60000) remote server ports :7171 or 7172 is still the same.
So now, when i connect to my VPS on port 7171/7172 VPS redirect my traffic automatically to remote server, and when remote server connect to VPS , VPS Redirect all traffic to my PC.
After it i should have other ip than mine. (this APP dont support PROXY - but i can change dest ip, ex. from remote server to my VPS)
Last edited by dramcio; 10-25-2013 at 04:23 PM.