Odd problem on my SuSe7.1, in a browser some addresses return an error "unknown host", when other machines on the same network (macs, and windus) are fine (same dns server). If on this machine the same address is entered in nslookup, a valid address (albeit an alias) is returned.
This problem seems only to appear on aliased names.
http://www.squid.org will give "unknown host"
nslookup shows
http://www.squid.org is an alias of voyager.rightline.com, along with a valid ip add.
http://www.squid.org shows "unknown host"
ping to squid.org (without the www) is ok.
If IP add of
http://www.squid.org is entered, it works, ie route is ok.
Another one that fails is
http://www.valinux.com (again an alias)
I have already checked nscd.conf, and host caching is off.
Anyone got any idea? Its got me. It seems everything is ok, but it dont work (sounds a bit MS?)