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Old 03-31-2004, 01:06 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2004
Posts: 2

Rep: Reputation: 0

Hello All,

I am new to the site, so please forgive any mistakes I may make.

Currently I have 2 machines set up running NIS. One is a server while the other is the client. NIS seems to be working fine, as I can log into both machines with the same acount.

I have also set up NFS to automount the /home/ directories when the user logs into the client. This also is working fine.

One of the machines is a dual display machine running kde while the other is just a single display also running kde.

The problem is that since the /home directories are mounted, they both read from the same kde configs for the kicker and have exactly the same desktop. While having the same desktop is not an issue (actually kind of cool), having the same kicker config is. Each time I log out of one workstation it updates the kde config with the settings it had. When I log into the other workstation the kicker is all messed up for that workstation. I then have to put it back to the way I like. If I log into the other workstation again, it is messed up for it and the cycle continues.

P.S. What I mean by messed up is that some buttons get cut off due to the different resolutions and everything is in a strange/random order.

If anybody has any bright ideas on how I might solve this issue it would be greatly appreciated.

- Phatality
Old 05-25-2004, 06:22 AM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2003
Distribution: RH 8.0
Posts: 21

Rep: Reputation: 15
Help in locating tutorials for NIS/NFS

Hi Phatality,

Could you point me to some good tutorials for setting up NIS and NFS for the 3 systems I have.

I am a newbie and have tried to read material onthe internet, but didn;t get to understand what is being said about ypbind, yp.conf etc...
Old 05-26-2004, 09:32 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2004
Posts: 2

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 0
NFS is really easy to use.

Lets assume the server has an IP of

If you are running RH, as root
Edit the file /etc/exports on the server

Add a line to the bottom of it like:


Then restart NFS:
service nfsd restart

Then from the client computer (the computer with, as root type:
mount /WhereIwantMyShare

And that is it...

This is an extremely simple setup of it. More in depth setup can obviously be done. Here is the link to the doc that I used when setting it up.

As for NIS, that is a but less intuitive. Here is a link to a doc that can help you more then I can describe.

I hope this helps you.


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