A RedHat9-Shrike-Dist as an NFS-server... all nfs-services are starting successfull...here's my /etc/exports:
- ......cat /etc/exports
/home/test %ip of client% (rw)
well...everything works...(but write-access)....I'm mounting this share on a Neolinux (NW Capio 508)-TClient with the ip %ip of client%... like this:
- mount %ip of rh9-server%:/home/test /writable/mount_server -o rw
....and also that works without an error message....but if I change to the directory /writable/mount_server on the client and want to create a new file with "vi".... per command "wq!"....this error occurs
can't open file for writing...
mmmh.... I can't understand what my redhat is doing...
cause I share this folder for the client as "rw" ... and I mount the share on the client with the options "rw".....
what the hell did I wrong?
thanks for all advices