MPTCP is a emerging protocol that is able to split one TCP session over multiple links. In order to do that the source and destination have to be MPTCP capable.
I have configured MPTCP on a linux machine following the rules,, and can achieve a shared tcp flow over 2 gateways when i do a iperf measurement to (MPTCP capable server).
However i can only achieve this if the source of traffic is inside the linux machine that have mptcp installed. If i have a PC connected to MPTCP machine, the tcp flow only flows in one gateway.
I have a LAN interface, eth2, what should i do to the PCs connected to eth2 can benefit from mptcp? I want to run iperf on a PC connected to MPTCP machine and benefit of a shared tcp flow over 2 gateways.
I have masquerade eth0 and eth1 , could the NAT be messing with this?
Thank you in advance.