Well, this is my network
I am not getting how should I manage all my clients from different network.
For example;
client-1 resides on x.x.x.0/27
client-2 resides on x.x.x.32/27
client-3 resides on x.x.x.64/27
client-4 resides on x.x.x.96/27
I must need them to use the bandwidth manager as their default gateway
to restrict them using a given amount of bandwidth. but I have only one
LAN interface on BW manager for inside network. How can i connect different client -
as because they are from different network?
I heard something called "IP-alias" but if I do so on my bw-manager's inside lan interface,
Will it be practical to put that link in a switch and mix up all client ???
I am really confused...