Firewall + Network problem
I recently installed and configured Fire Starter firewall. The linux computer is on a LAN (all others are windows machines) and I want some of these computers to browse my Linux machine. Samba is well setup. The problem came after I set up the firewall...
I allowed connections from these computers by adding their IP under the Policy Tab, in Inbound Traffic Policy, in the menu "Allow connections from host".
The iptables command that corresponds to this is (that is added automatically by Fire Starter) :
iptables -A INBOUND -s <IP> -j ACCEPT
Unfortunately, when I try to connect from any of these windows computers to my linux machine (while the firewall is started), I get the "Network path was not found" error.
Then, I stop the firewall and retry, it works ok.
Then, I restart the firewall, and it still works!
How can I solve this problem ?
Thank you..