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Old 01-18-2014, 10:08 PM   #1
Registered: Dec 2013
Location: Japan
Distribution: Debian...very few times Ubuntu
Posts: 51

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Error when setting static IPs

Hello everybody
I would appreciate your help in the following.

I have two machines with linux (one uCLinux and one Debian)

they have virtual ethernet and ethernet configured. The ethernet is configured for DHCP (both). So far I havent had problems communicating through a cross cable (using sockets)

Well, the other day I tried to change the configuration to static IPs, so I modified the interfaces file in the uCLinux one.

before the interface file was

auto  lo usb0 eth0
iface lo inet loopback
iface eth0 inet dhcp
iface usb0 inet manual
   up ifconfig usb0 up
   post-up zcip usb0 /etc/zcip.script> /dev/null
   down ifconfig usb0 down
Now I modified it to
auto  lo usb0 eth0
iface lo inet loopback
iface eth0 inet static
iface usb0 inet manual
   up ifconfig usb0 up
   post-up zcip usb0 /etc/zcip.script> /dev/null
   down ifconfig usb0 down
so after that I tried to do ifdown -a and ifup -a and I got an error!

>ifdown -a
interface eth0 not configured
>ifup -a
ip:either "local" is duplicate, or "/24" is garbage
ip: RTNETLINK answers: File exists

Of course I can not communicate anymore

Can someone tell me what this error means and how to properly configurate static IPs?

Thanks a lot in advance

Old 01-18-2014, 10:42 PM   #2
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Did you buy any chance store your original config file and your original file in the same directory?

I don't use those distros but on RedHat based distros I know I have to insure the config file copies are either NOT in the same directory or are in a naming format that the networking startup doesn't use.
Old 01-18-2014, 11:56 PM   #3
Registered: Dec 2013
Location: Japan
Distribution: Debian...very few times Ubuntu
Posts: 51

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Actually I didnt save it but just overwrote it.

I still dont know about this error but it seems the /24 part refers to the gateway...
I am using a virtual network for the USB and this network so maybe that is the problem...??


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