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Old 11-26-2005, 06:33 PM   #1
Registered: Oct 2005
Distribution: Ubuntu 8.04, Ubuntu 10.04
Posts: 159

Rep: Reputation: 15
USB Modem Problem


I've been successfully using my USB modem (ALE130) on Ubuntu (5.10). As I need a lot of KDE programs, I decided to install Kubuntu (also 5.10) on another disk and give it a try. That went OK.

However, I can't get connected.

PPPOE is installed as well as the modem driver (from: eciadsl-usermode_0.8-1_i386.deb).

When running the (if I remember the name correctly), I found that my modem was not listed (as opposed to the list on Ubuntu). Therefore I choose "other" and had to enter a couple of numbers which I got by running the device check script suggested in the terminal output (There is a modem ALE070 listed, but tech support at my ISP didn't think it would work...I had them on the phone anyway to get their DNS server IP's).

Trying to connect with the prescribed command ("startmodem" Ubuntu it uses "eciadsl-start"), I get the following:

setting up USB support (1/5)
grep: /proc/pci: no such file or directory
grep: /proc/pci: no such file or directory

loading frameware (2/5)
ECI load1: failed
ECI load1: success
firmware loaded successfully

error reading interrupts
ECI load2: failed

failed to get synchronization

Running "startmodem -v" gave me:
startmodem -v
0.8-pre 1

That about brings us to the end of this newbie's technical skills. Obviously, without being connected, I can't use Kubuntu for much more than a word processor (can't even print without installing "alien" to install the drivers from an rpm).

If anyone knows what to do about this, I really need a walk through (remembering I'm not connected and will have to get any necessary files, etc., in a roundabout way (like downloading from somewhere...burning them on a CD and transferring to Kubuntu).

Please help if you can.

Thank you very much.
Old 11-29-2005, 10:16 AM   #2
Registered: Mar 2003
Distribution: Slackware10.2,SUSE,FC,RHL,Vector Linux,WHAX,PHLAK,bt4,ubuntu,debian,aptosid,backtrack,blackbuntu
Posts: 529

Rep: Reputation: 31
normal modem uses /dev/ttySHSF0 module to interact with the serial bus..what module does your modem use

does that module exist..if ti does are the permissions proper
Old 11-29-2005, 10:59 AM   #3
Registered: Oct 2005
Distribution: Ubuntu 8.04, Ubuntu 10.04
Posts: 159

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 15

Thanks for the reply.

How can I check that stuff (what module is needed, whether it exists and what the permissions are)?

Old 12-01-2005, 02:27 AM   #4
Registered: Mar 2003
Distribution: Slackware10.2,SUSE,FC,RHL,Vector Linux,WHAX,PHLAK,bt4,ubuntu,debian,aptosid,backtrack,blackbuntu
Posts: 529

Rep: Reputation: 31
when u install the driver for your modem you get that

/dev/modem links to /dev/tty.......

locate that line
u can check your logs for that


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