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Having trouble installing a piece of hardware? Want to know if that peripheral is compatible with Linux?


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Old 05-30-2006, 07:15 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
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un-satisfied with linux driver support... Join in

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The objective of this movement is to gather the maximum supporters possible and virtually attack companies' support mailboxes, with pleads of driver support for our hardware on Linux.


This is a movement front with the objective to demand the Hardware drivers that are rightfully ours! We bought hardware, and want compatibility for what we paid! If we switch OS will they give our money back if our OS doesn't support it?
It seems right to me that the Hardware Vendor is the one who should make possible the use of their product!

please spread
Old 05-30-2006, 08:00 PM   #2
Registered: Jul 2004
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Most hardware will says something like "Designed for Windows <insert version>". I agree that we could use some more support but complaining to companies about product incompatibility with operating systems they don't specify as supported doesn't seem too logical, imo. I hope you do raise awareness on behalf of the large Linux community though that might inspire some of the companies to make Linux drivers.

Old 05-30-2006, 09:03 PM   #3
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The "Designed for Windows blah-blah" logo might be something contractual; maybe to use the Windows logo at all. And I don't think we need to complain about something that might be important for their sales...

The only thing that really matters is when a device is so L0OZ3R that it really doesn't support anything but Windows. No one in their right minds would buy such a device, even for Windows ... but of course, somebody does.
Old 05-30-2006, 10:34 PM   #4
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It's true that many devices don't work in Linux as well as they do in Windows due to the fact that the manufacturer's have either ignored the Linux market and/or do not consider it important enough to provide Linux versions of their drivers.

I agree that it is worthwhile to communicate with the manufacturers to demonstrate that the Linux market both exists and is pretty large, but I don't think it will help to try to schedule "attack" days. Personally, I think it would be far more effective for people to Email the manufacturer and ask about their level of support, throughout the year. To illustrate:
Dear <manufacturer>,

   I am considering purchasing a new video card <or whatever> but it is unclear whether or not you
offer Linux drivers for your products.  Do you support Linux, and if so, where can I find the 
drivers?  If you do not support Linux, why not?  

   Please note, as a full-time Linux user, I simply refuse to purchase any products that lack Linux
drivers.  Thanks for your time
Just my 2 cents
Old 05-30-2006, 11:39 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by phlppmrtns5
This is a movement front with the objective to demand the Hardware drivers that are rightfully ours! We bought hardware, and want compatibility for what we paid! If we switch OS will they give our money back if our OS doesn't support it?
Sorry, but you are WAY off base...
"Demand what is rightfully ours"? Nope--you did not buy your favorite widget with any promise of Linux support---did you??

This aside, you are not going to get anywhere by demanding. The trick is to create the market demand (pull) and then show the vendors that it is there.
Old 05-31-2006, 07:44 AM   #6
LQ Newbie
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yeah i dont agree we could get anywhere in trying to force them - businessmen only move if they can smell money - so we need to make them feel the need to move...

for eg, i would suggest a small addition to the above example letter by J.W., we could tell them:
"the card is not listed in, the hardware compatibility list. Do you plan to provide linux support soon?"

and I believe we should take the initiative to post reviews in the HCL about whatever components we use, because that can help other users who are buying...

and if the manufacturers feel there's a market they are not tapping into, then they will move their heavy backs....




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