Smartphones that run linux
I was wondering if there are any smartphones on the market right now that can run linux with few/no problems. I was looking into phones from Cingular,T-Mobile, and Verizon.
I found a really nice iPaq at the Cingular store. (Can't remember model)
Has anyone had anyproblems with the iPaq running linux?
I really wanna get away from microsoft as much as I can. And I hate how I HAVE to use IE for internet browsing on a Smart Phone.
I don't really have much of a budget.
I'm a 14 year old. I'm planning to get a job to save up for this phone over the summer. I am thinking about the Apple Store. So I'm probably gonna go with a prepaid plan. I got into a bit of trouble with my parents over my previous bill. Hence, they took my phone away.