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Old 02-19-2005, 02:57 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2005
Posts: 7

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mx900, SuSE 9.2 Pro, KbluetoothD, does not connect

Hello, I am a brand new linux user, trying out SuSE 9.2 Professional.

I cannot get my logitec mx900 mouse to work properly. Or rather, to work at all.
I dont know if it is a connection problem or issue of SuSE not understanding how to handle the input of the mouse.

I have yet to configue anything ,regarding bluetooth, so everything is still set to the defaults. When I move the mouse, or click the buttons on it, the KbluetoothD icon in the system tray lights up blue, and says that is it connected. However, as soon as I let go of the mouse, the icon goes gray again, and says "Not Connected." If I right click on the icon (using my touchpad) and go to "connection info," I am brought to the info box, but it is grayed out. But, when I move the mouse, or click a button, it lights up, shows the address of my mouse, "00:07:61:18:3A:F1" and says "Device name: Logitech MX900 Mouse" and give the signal strength, which stays at 0dB. Which is weird, because the battery is fully charged and in Windows, I can control the pointer from about 30 ft away. I should have full signal strength.

When I click the "Details" button, I am given the following info, "Handle: 44 (ox2c)," "Role: Slave," "Direction: incoming," "Link Mode: 0 (0x0)" and the option to kill the connection. However, once again, when the mouse is not moving, the whole box is grayed out.

In YaST2, in Bluetooth Configuration, "Enable Bluetooth Services" is checked, and the PIN is left blank.Under " Advanced Daemon Configuration," A table of the following is displayed:
"Daemon | Enabled | Discription
HCI | Yes| Bluetooth device manager
SDP | Yes | Device Announcement
OPD | No| File Transfer Service
RFCOMM | No | Serial Cable Emulation
PAND | No | Network Connection(Listen mode)
DUND | No | Dial-up
HID | Yes | Input device support
HID2HCI | YES | Use HID device in HCI mode"

the HCI daemon has the arguement "-f /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf"
the HID2HCI daemon has the arguement "--tohci" SDP and HCI do not have any arguements. I dont care about the others. I am only concerned about getting the mouse to work. Nothing else is needed.

Under "Security Options," "Enable Authentication" is not checked. but "Enable Inquiry Scan" and "Enable Page Scan" are.

I do not know where else to look to give you more information regarding the bluetooth mouse. But any help you could give me to get this mouse working would be greatly appreciated.

Old 02-20-2005, 03:16 PM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2005
Posts: 7

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Rep: Reputation: 0
Bluetooth seems to be a mystery around here.


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