First of all I want to say hi to everybody.
I hope I'll enjoy partecipating to this forum and to be in anyway usefull to somebody even if I don't know too much about Linux Sistems yet.
The problem I came across when I installed Linux MDK 9.1 is that linux didn't detect the modem. I'm not surprised about that because it happened the same wiht mdk 9.0 but with 9.0 I solved the problem downloading a driver from this web site:
I went to this web site again and I downloaded the file that was supposed to work with my Kernel version. This time perhaps the driver doesn't work. When I try to install the RPM package I get a bad signature messagge and I'm prompted twice being asked if I really want to install the package. Well, I tried and the modem is still dead. Did anybody by any chance meet the same problem or know why that drive does not work when it should.
Thank you.