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Old 05-15-2023, 12:02 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2023
Posts: 15

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intel turbo cache, cellular modem card, or other

Hi all and thank you for reading my post!

I fixed up and old dell d430 laptop and am seeking ways to improve it, but I also use it for work. So I will list some of the things i have done hardware wise

I installed and customized q4os 64 bit on it (Debian based)

I bought a second one that was used but missing pieces, to upgrade the processor from 1.2 ghz to 1.3 ghz.

It has 2 gig ram

I upgraded the WiFi card to intel WiFi

I am adding Bluetooth module to the motherboard.

upgraded to SSD using a Ziff to m.2 adapter.

Installed in it is a cellular module using mini pcie and it is 3rd generation so actually may still be useful, so this is more of opinion. I was thinking of swapping it out to a more useful card like possibly intel turbo cache (to use as swap maybe as the ziff hard drive connector seems to be limited to 85 mbs, or as hard drive cache) or if you guys have an idea of a better use for the slot that would be great as well.

See I have also started traveling (and a laptop was useful so I dug out the old dell before fixing it up and restoring it, even though it was very slow) as I could read logs and make corrections with staff even though I was over seas. I will do more traveling and was thinking as I typed this that maybe a cellular connection is the best option even though it is generation 3.

What what do you guys think, and are there any other interesting ideas to do with that slot? other slots that could find uses are the PCMCIA (card-bus) slot and the SD card slot.

Last edited by Vanquishedangel; 05-15-2023 at 12:06 AM. Reason: grammar
Old 05-17-2023, 02:43 PM   #2
Registered: Sep 2015
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Available space to make good use of the mini-pcie might be the hurdle...
4/5G card possibly?
Old 05-18-2023, 03:16 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2023
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So I looked into it and I think I can upgrade the modem card to 4g. Thank you, I did not think to look for a 4g modem card for a mini pcie.
Old 05-19-2023, 11:37 AM   #4
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2023
Posts: 15

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Also, and I can find very little information on this, but what about sram pcmcia cards? How useful would that be? from what I read the computer may use this as processor cache or more ram. either one would be a win.


cache, cellular, intel, mini pcie, modem

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