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Old 08-30-2003, 10:12 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: Nebraska
Distribution: Redhat 9
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Installing 3g Cellular Phone for Modem

I asked this question in the newbie thread and it kind of stalled out so I figured I would post it here and see what happens..

Hello everyone..I am pulling my hair out on this one. I am a very new Linux user (1 week or so). When I ran Win98 I was using my Samsung N400 Cellular Phone (Sprint PCS Service) to connect to the internet. This doesnt actually dial an ISP it actually sends packets directly to Sprint PCS servers and connects that way.

Anyway. I just converted over and everything works wonderfully except for the modem..... I have tried Redhat Tech support but with not much success.

Anyway..I made sure that the modem is being recognized by Redhat and it is.....When I do a "lsmod" the ACM driver is loaded as well as a few USB things. Everything looks peachy...When I go to use wvdial it appears as if everything is going smooth and the modem is accepting commands and then it connects (although with me unable to surf the web).....The phone kicks into data mode and everything still doesn't look so bad (except that I can't actually surf)......Then approximately 15 seconds later my phone kicks out of data mode and back to the normal screen.

The the ppp driver doesn't actually disingage though...It doesn't turn off until I actually turn off my cell phone or disconnect my USB connector.

I have been at this for at least 20 hours in the last week and cannot get it to work...

I have found a couple of websites that supposedly tell you how to do this but so far the scritps have not worked out very well for me.

Any ideas????

By the way I am using Redhat 9 ......

Thanks a million!!!



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