The README will help you go all the way if you check it out, its true.
However, after just doing the install myself to the latest drivers, I may be able to help you cheat a little. My installation is RH9, so if your distro is different, you may want to take that into account (hey, its your machine, not mine
Basically, open up a console.
In RH9, I can just su - to root, then type: init 3
This will drop me back to runlevel 3 (no X server running).
Login as root.
Then find your way to wherever you downloaded the run file from NVIDIA.
then type:
Wait for it....
Wait for it...
Now when it is finished, it will tell you to modify your XFree86config file.
In my distro, it is located at: /etc/X11
Open up the file with vi, make your changes, save, then quit.
init 5
(I am nowhere near my machine right now, so a detail may be sketchy here or there, but that is basically the gist of things).
So learn to use vi, or, init 5, change the file (as root), then restart X (basically, init 3, then init 5 again).
If you see the NVIDIA splash screen on startup, you're golden.