I found reference to a location for these drivers while looking for the Windows drivers so I thought I'd pass this on.
Follow these liks: (will redirect to
Scroll down and link to:
This will take you to the readme that explains how to get the drivers.
I don't know if there's cost, but here's the text with the information:
(Note this is for card version 1.5, so if you have card rev 1.3 (as I do) you may need to ask if they also have designed a driver for that card (the rev # is on a sticker on the back of the card).
Beta Linux drivers are available for the cPEG C3.0 rev 1.5. Requires linux kernel
version 2.6.1x or greater. Since they are still in Beta (or late Alpha) they are
not available for general download. They are available upon request. If you want
them, e-mail or call +1 613-723-7218
Hope this helps!!