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Old 02-25-2020, 08:09 AM   #1
Registered: Jan 2020
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anyone move an hdd to new machine with success?

Since ubuntu installer wouldn't start I put the the hard drive left over with ubuntu installed into my new machine and it froze at purple screen. Is this normal for it to freeze? Anyone do this easily?
Old 02-25-2020, 09:58 AM   #2
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I've moved a hd with success.

If you have (Like I have) your homebrewed kernel, Don't Start X. Usually adding "init=3" to the kernel boot line will achieve that. X will barf unless the video card is identical. Use a generic kernel with distro initrd which have everything except the kitchen sink. You'll have to go over all settings. Mind you a better idea is probably to buy new and use the old hd for backups
Old 02-25-2020, 10:19 AM   #3
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Thing is im in a bad situation. Have a 1.1ghz laptop, with 1minute boot time when i had the hhd in linux, same boot time with new ssd. I have a 1tb no os ssd in that pc as well but the installer will not work. I do not have the expirence to do any editing without a 75+% chqnce of bricking it.
Old 02-25-2020, 10:28 AM   #4
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Okay cant edit. Laptop had 1tb hdd, but now has 500gb ssd.

Os-less custom build has a 1tb ssd (no os) inside. But asrock mobo won't play nice with install cds or usbs
Old 02-25-2020, 10:30 AM   #5
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Also the laptop had integrated graphics broxton intel. My custom build has 630 uhd intel graphics later a p106 graphics for gaming not mining.
Old 02-25-2020, 12:28 PM   #6
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I assume your new PC BIOS is configured in UEFI mode? There should be a safe graphics option that can be selected when you boot the live USB if the system is unable to automatically determine its configuration. There is also a nomodeset kernel options that does the same thing.
Old 02-25-2020, 12:53 PM   #7
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Have not done it in awhile.

Only had to change wireless and eth connection settings.

Not sure now a days with the uuid fdisk settings and uuid boot settings . Back then. sdx was sufficient.
I only did this with AntiX. Not Ubuntu.


Why mentioned? Systemd distro vs non Systemd distro.

Last edited by rokytnji; 02-25-2020 at 12:56 PM.
Old 02-25-2020, 12:59 PM   #8
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You are not speaking english. No modset kournel? I know the kournel is what everything runs on. And i got a strong dislike for uefi. It is full of pain. I want 16.04 if possible.

And why are you mentioning usb?

The Ssd1tb(no os) gets apci errors and cant even get trough the installer or even tuen purple.try or install ubuntu it says. Then clicking either is apci. Booting from cd or usb it gives this.

The hhd from laptop i threw in that uefi pc freezes on purple screen even with csm on.i can't even get to the grub. Just blank purple. What is ths safe graphicas and will it help me get past freeze?
Old 02-25-2020, 01:18 PM   #9
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Since ubuntu installer wouldn't start
I assumed the Ubuntu installer was a USB flash drive and was trying to suggest an alternative method to start if it was indeed a graphics problem.
However, since you are not posting APCI errors there are other problems.
Old 02-25-2020, 02:28 PM   #10
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Only did it once with my Linux server when I swapped motherboard and CPU out. It runs command line so I didn't have to worry about any graphic settings. It's been a while but I don't recall having any major issues when it happened.
Old 02-25-2020, 09:09 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by SnowArch View Post
Since ubuntu installer wouldn't start I put the the hard drive left over with ubuntu installed into my new machine and it froze at purple screen. Is this normal for it to freeze?
No. Unless you took a disk with x86_64 Linux over to a 32-bit system I can't see why it would balk.

Anyone do this easily?
Just the other day. Moved a pair of old IDE drives (Yup... old) configured as an md RAID1 device from a system with a dead motherboard to another system and it booted right up.

Having said that... years ago I took a couple of SCSI disks with a working RH Linux installation, the exact cables, and the controller board that had been working superbly in one system and placed them into another. Wouldn't boot. Got stuck part way through the lilo boot process. Re-install? Didn't boot. Re-low-level format followed by Linux reinstall? Worked. That one had me scratching my head for a long time.

If you're getting to a "purple screen" I'm guessing that your problem isn't Linux itself but the X Windows configuration. Do you seeing a mouse pointer on this purple screen? When this happens can you get to a virtual console using "Ctrl-Alt-F1", "Ctrl-Alt-F2", etc.? If you can get logged in as root that way, you can inspect the Xorg log file -- /var/log/Xorg.0.log -- and look for error messages. If memory serves these are prefixed with "EE". Note: there may be a couple of "(EE)" messages are not fatal errors. Take a look at what you get from issuing (as root):
# grep "(EE)" /var/log/Xorg.0.log
The reason for the startup failure may jump out at you or you can post the output so others can assist you.

I haven't had this exact thing happen before but I think what I'd try is boot into multiuser mode using the trick "business_kid" recommended. If, at that point, you can login and try issuing "startx". Save the output and any additional error messages using
$ startx 2>&1 | tee startx.log
If X Windows complains about not find a screen (or something like that) it's likely because of a difference between the video card on the original system and that on the new system. I'd then try (as root):
# cd /etc/X11
# mv xorg.conf xorg.conf.saved_YYYYMMDD
Then try that startx command again (specify a different log file name this time, say, "startx.yyyymmdd-hhmm.log"). If memory serves, this would cause X to recreate the xorg.conf file based on what it sees while X Windows is starting.

You could post that log file if grepping for "(EE)" isn't telling you anything. It'll be ~300 lines but it's better than having nothing for people to look at.

Good luck...

Last edited by rnturn; 02-25-2020 at 09:11 PM.
Old 02-26-2020, 01:48 PM   #12
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Which Ubuntu version is on the old HDD? You can't expect an OS with a release date older than the hardware to function, absent heroics planned in advance, such as newer kernel, drivers and Xorg.

Is the purple screen before you get a Grub menu? If yes, what might get you past it is to strike the E key when it appears, then remove quiet and splash=silent from the line beginning with linu or kernel, then appending "plymouth.enable=0 noplymouth plymouth=0" before continuing. If that doesn't get the job do, append also "nomodeset". Do not include quote marks in your appendages. There should be a Grub menu option with similar functionality, but this is often hidden by a default installation. I'm not up to speed on how that might work with Ubuntu's Grub.

Once I got the hang of it, I found UEFI quite preferable to the traditional MBR boot process. The main drawback is that so many real world implementations of UEFI exist that giving instruction for dealing with encountered problems is difficult.

Moving disks to other PCs I do often, most often with success.
Old 02-26-2020, 01:51 PM   #13
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I've swapped disks over many times, all I have to do is (re)configure the wifi for a different card - I use AntiX.
Old 02-26-2020, 06:40 PM   #14
Registered: Jan 2020
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My lacking an os 1tb ssd gave the error in the picture bpoting from 16.04 live cd, and or usb. 18.04 yeilded the same error so i know the version must be not too old.motherboard Bios update removed cannot get size part tho but rest is same.

And because the error in the picture will not go away and prevents the installer from even starting after try or install ubuntu, i figured maybe using the laptop's old hhd with the same version of 16.04 as the usb would finally make it work. But this just gave a purple screen before grub.

Would i need to mess with the terminal every boot either way? And my friend said its possible for os and games to be on seperate drives. Would having the os on hdd and games on ssd help or is the error easier to remove than setting up the hhd with it already intalled? And on my laptop the model, diffrent capcility ssd was slower than the hhd. Only boot time decreased by a few seconds.

pc will be used primarily for gaming, vms(remix, other linux versions ect), and maybe coding if i get a chance.
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Old 02-26-2020, 06:43 PM   #15
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The hdd has a regular bios not the new one


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