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Old 10-08-2002, 01:23 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2002
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Question NVIDIA nForce driver installation problem on RedHat 8.0

I am getting the following error when I try and compile the source rpm for the nForce chipset:

warning: user buildmeister does not exist - using root
warning: user buildmeister does not exist - using root
warning: user buildmeister does not exist - using root
warning: user buildmeister does not exist - using root

I get this error a couple of times during the compile, then it fails at the end with:

Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.5818

Looking farther up in the output, I find the following lines:

Executing(%build): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.5818
+ umask 022
+ cd /usr/src/redhat/BUILD
+ cd nforce
+ export LANG
+ -n nforce
/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.5818: line 23: -n: command not found

Has anyone else had trouble installing the sources for the nForce chipset under RedHat 8.0?

Old 10-10-2002, 04:26 PM   #2
LQ Newbie
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Sorry, I meant the source tarball, not the source rpm...
Old 10-25-2002, 08:00 PM   #3
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I'm having the same problem
I read on tom's hardware that the rpms look at a certain directory
/usr/linux/include for the autoconf.h file

I found that that file it that directory is corrupt. I tried replacing it and it still didn' t work

redhat 8 puts that file in another location
/usr/src/linux[your kernel no.]/include/ or the like (im not sure.

the problem may be my hardware. I have the msi k7n420 pro motherboard and the msi website says it dosen't support linux. That is odd, I can install without problems mandrake 8.2 and the default driver works fine. Redhat has some serious issues.
Old 10-25-2002, 08:29 PM   #4
Registered: Jul 2002
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Successful NVIDIA install

Dell Inspiron 8200 (laptop)
Pentium 4
Nvidia GeForce 2 GO 32MB

This is for Red Hat 8.0
I downloaded the NVIDIA_kernel-1.0-3123.src.rpm and the NVIDIA_GLX-1.0-3123.i386.rpm both from

NOTE - I tried to install using NVIDIA_*-1.0-2880 and there were conflicts with gcc version. (8.0 uses gcc-3.2)

Here are the steps.

1. in the directory where you downloaded these rpms to run:
rpmbuild --rebuild NVIDIA_kernel-1.0-3123.src.rpm

2. cd /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386

3. rpm -ivh NVIDIA_kernel-1.0-3123.i386.rpm
(This will throw an error about tainting the kernel - this is a licensing issue, don't worry about it)

4. cd to the dir where you downloaded the rpms and run:
rpm -ivh NVIDIA_GLX-1.0-3123.i386.rpm

5. modify your /etc/X11/XF86Config file
- remove/comment out the (Load "dri") line
- change the driver from "nv" to "nvidia"

6. try to run x with the startx command

Old 10-25-2002, 08:32 PM   #5
Registered: Jul 2002
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Re: NVIDIA nForce driver installation problem on RedHat 8.0

Originally posted by alphajoe
I am getting the following error when I try and compile the source rpm for the nForce chipset:

warning: user buildmeister does not exist - using root
warning: user buildmeister does not exist - using root
warning: user buildmeister does not exist - using root
warning: user buildmeister does not exist - using root
Don't worry about this. This won't cause you any problems.


Has anyone else had trouble installing the sources for the nForce chipset under RedHat 8.0?
Yes, see my previous post.
Old 11-03-2002, 05:10 PM   #6
K The King
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Thumbs down Has anyone else had trouble installing the sources for the nForce chipset under RedHa

Yeah man,

This is very;very noughty chipset.
I've launched all linux distro's at it =>
Mandrake9,Redhat7.3;SUSE 8.1;Mandrake 8

Nothing pleased me 100%

For each distro the procedures to install the drivers are different.
(there are some identical bits ,but that's all)
At there was some info about
this chipset while using the Redhat 7.3 that seemed to work.

The best result I've gotten from Mandrake9.
The only thing that didn't work was the onboard LAN .

Your problem has to do with the stupid GRUB. (bootloader)
If you use LILO instead you don't have this problem.

The guys from told me to use the latest GRUB ,but I don't really feel like kernel-recompiling again.

If you would encounter a good solution I would be interested.


Old 11-06-2002, 07:35 PM   #7
Registered: Jul 2002
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I will have to disagree. I have had absolutely no trouble at all installing RH8 on this chipset. RH7.3 installed easily enough, but I have an odd screen res (1400X1050 laptop display) which meant that I had to find the correct mode in my XF86Config file. IMO the chipset is outstanding.
Old 11-07-2002, 11:40 AM   #8
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Originally posted by jdc2048
I will have to disagree. I have had absolutely no trouble at all installing RH8 on this chipset. RH7.3 installed easily enough, but I have an odd screen res (1400X1050 laptop display) which meant that I had to find the correct mode in my XF86Config file. IMO the chipset is outstanding.
Do you have all of the on-board devices turned off (i.e. using external cards instead of the on-board LAN, sound and video). If so, you probably didn't have any trouble, but for those of us who use the onboard devices, 8.0 would not work. nVidia just released the drivers for 8.0, so it is no longer an issue.
Old 11-07-2002, 07:57 PM   #9
Registered: Jul 2002
Distribution: Redhat, Gentoo, Solaris, HP-UX, etc...
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No I am using a laptop, they are all on-board devices (so-to-say).

Dell Inspiron 8200
Intel P4 1.5G
Nvidia geforce 2 GO (32 MB)
15" XGA display (1400x1050 res.)
Built in LAN/Modem/firewire/infrared/DVD-CDRW/etc...

Dude, I got a Dell... Sweet! Dude, I blew away WinXP, sweeter.

I had to do some tweaking with modes under RH7.3 to get the odd sized display. It had to do with 1400x1050 not being a even multiple of the base standard screen size 640x480 ( I think). This had nothing to do with the video card, but rather with the display. Either way I was able to get it working on RH8 with no problems whatsoever. I am using NVIDIA kernel and GLX version 3123.
Old 11-08-2002, 11:14 AM   #10
LQ Newbie
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Originally posted by jdc2048
No I am using a laptop, they are all on-board devices (so-to-say).

Dell Inspiron 8200
Intel P4 1.5G
Nvidia geforce 2 GO (32 MB)
15" XGA display (1400x1050 res.)
Built in LAN/Modem/firewire/infrared/DVD-CDRW/etc...

Dude, I got a Dell... Sweet! Dude, I blew away WinXP, sweeter.

I had to do some tweaking with modes under RH7.3 to get the odd sized display. It had to do with 1400x1050 not being a even multiple of the base standard screen size 640x480 ( I think). This had nothing to do with the video card, but rather with the display. Either way I was able to get it working on RH8 with no problems whatsoever. I am using NVIDIA kernel and GLX version 3123.
Ah, we were talking about the nForce drivers (nVidia's motherboard chipset). The display drivers were not a problem, but the motherboard drivers (USB, LAN, etc...) were made with gcc 2.x and RH 8.0 is gcc 3.x, it would not compile, even from the source tarball. No longer an issue though...
Old 11-08-2002, 08:01 PM   #11
Registered: Jul 2002
Distribution: Redhat, Gentoo, Solaris, HP-UX, etc...
Posts: 391

Rep: Reputation: 30

I apologize. I thought we were talking aboug geforce. I saw NVIDIA drivers and thought I would share my experience.



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