copying windows??
I hope this isn't in the wrong place here:
I have a linux on hda1-4 and data on hda5 on a 20G disk. I had another disk with windows on. so after getting a bigger disk and installing it, no more windows.
so here's my plan: if windows doesn't notice it's moved house it won't mind, which means that i should be able to actually COPY windows to hda5 (as now I have a bigger disk for all the data)
now the prob, hovever, might be to make windows regard as c: the partition hda5 (which, as a matter of fact, is not the first on the disk)
I'm afraid I don't really know what my question is, as the first thing I would do is give it a go with fdisk which might be able to make the point clear to dos. so this might be close:
am I wrong? is it no good trying? is there any experience around? does anyone think it might work? I'll post a success story if it should. thanx in advanx