The only Unreal 1 "port" I saw was Unreal 1 being run under WINe. Unreal Tourney has a port, but I have yet to figure out what to do with it to run UT. (also, I think it needs 3D acceleration, and I got jipped on that.

I think that guy also said he had sound trouble, didn't he?
Update: all my Unreal games (not UT, it don't run) now have sound all the time, but it gargles and is at half speed. The game itself runs great though.
I can run ModPlug under WINe and it does perfectly (though I can't move the window). This is even playing the .umx Unreal Music files that Unreal's aparantly having dificulty with under WINe.
Half Life: Won't capture the keyboard, but runs great using OpenGL (but no hardware acceleration).
How can I have two "Windows" folders? ...or should I copy my existing Windows folder over my new one or direct to my existing Windows folder?
Another update:
Unreal now will run properly for about ten seconds, and then the music will hit turbo (a 49 second song plays completely repeatedly in two seconds) and I cannot hear the sound FX.) Game still runs fine otherwise. (It keeps changing behaviors after I post the new behavior. What will it do now?
