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Old 02-20-2004, 12:12 PM   #1
Registered: Sep 2003
Location: Maryland
Distribution: Slackware -current
Posts: 87

Rep: Reputation: 15
Gentoo issues

Very new Gentoo user here (installed kernel-2.6.3). Have been a slack user for several months so I'm comfortable editing config files by hand.

I booted into Slack and mounted a partition for /mnt/gentoo per the install documentation on

Did the boostrap, followed the directions, and installed XFree86.
I also did 'emerge ati-drivers" for my Radeon 9800, and emerge fluxbox to install fluxbox WM.

Now when I boot into X server it's slow.. very very slow. Probably takes 30 seconds for fluxbox to open. Once it's open my mouse and keyboard are totally unresponsive. compiler flags in etc/make.conf (I'm still trying to understand them) are set for pentium4, and -O3 optimization.

I did the fglrxconfig to create new XF86Config-4, and I still have the old XF86-Config file. XF86Config-4 loading dri and glx, driver is "fglrx". The setup matches my slackware XF86Config-4 which works perfectly.

Is Gentoo still using the old config file? Should I rm XF86Config and keep only XF86Config-4

Any ideas why my mouse/keyboard aren't working? Mouse is using option ImPS2, /dev/mouse, and ZAxisMapping.

As for why my keyboard isn't working.. who knows. It's a USB keyboard but is hooked up with a converter to PS/2.

Once X is finally working right I can get to emerging all the packages I'd like.

So far I like Gentoo but I've only been futzing with it for a few days. I don't think everything is being optimized because sometimes when programs are emerged the compiling messages show -pentium3 and not -pentium 4, or -O2 and not -O3.
Old 02-20-2004, 03:00 PM   #2
Registered: Oct 2003
Location: right behind the moon
Distribution: gentoo
Posts: 466

Rep: Reputation: 30
how about just renaming your XF86Config-4 to XF86Config and putting them into /etc/X11/
Old 02-21-2004, 10:05 AM   #3
Registered: Feb 2003
Distribution: Gentoo
Posts: 381

Rep: Reputation: 30
Such bad luck...
But that's no problem, it might me a problem with: ati + 2.6.3, read this:

Whenever you have a problem, just visit the gentoo forum...


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