im trying to install gentoo linux on my computer but i ran into a following a guide on how to install it located at and im at a spot where im supposed to be entering the new enviroment, i just typed "chroot /mnt/gentoo /bin/bash" and next im supposed to type "env-update" but when i do that it says:
!!! Invalad token (not "=")
!!! ParseError: Invalad token (not '='): /etc/make.conf: line 7
!!! Incorrect multiline literals can cause this. Do not use them.
so i tried skipping a step and running the next command emerge sync to "update the portage tree???" and i got the same error, also erlier in this i used nano to edit this file, i do have some programming expierence so i went in to look at it to see if i could tell what was going on...this is what the /etc/make.conf reads as follows...
# These settings were set by the catalyst build script that automatically built this stage
# Please consult /etc/make.conf.example for a more detailed example
CFLAGS="-02 -march=i686 -formit-frame-pointer"
^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@....(keeps going forever as far as i can tell)
so i cant figure out where this = sign is on the 7th line that is incorrect if all it is is solid ^@ across it, is there any way to delete the whole line without seeing it or is it suppose to read something else that it dosent? any insight to the problem would be great, but keep in mind, im really not sure what im doing here, but i kind of understand programming