"Again, not really knowing what a compiler is, my research tells me that it's a basic part of any Linux distribution. My second question is, how can I get one without already having one? Something about RPMs keep popping up when I ask that question."
A programmer writes a program in a computer language which is a vague cross between English and symbolic logic. What the programmer writes is called source code. Then a compiler program is used to translate the source code into a machine code executable binary which is a long string of hexadecimal numbers that only a computer could love. When you run a program you are running the binary version.
gcc is the name of the compiler which converts C source code into machine gibberish.
There are several ways to install a program. One way is to take the source code and run it through the appropriate compiler. Another way is to take a binary which has already been compiled on another computer and install that. So you need to install the binary version of gcc.
RPMs are a method of distributing binary packages. So if Lindows uses RPMs then you need to download several interdependent RPM packages centered on gcc and install them. I don't know enough about Linspire to tell you where to get them and which ones you need.
"why isn't there one in Linspire?"
Linspire is designed to appeal to people who know nothing about computers. Linspire thinks that people who know nothing about computers have no need for gcc and don't bother installing it.
Be prepared. Create a LifeBoat CD.
Steve Stites