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Old 10-31-2006, 10:27 PM   #1
Registered: Feb 2006
Location: Canada
Distribution: Fedora, Mandriva
Posts: 191

Rep: Reputation: 31
FC5 couldn't boot due to problems with the filesystems in /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00

Hello everyone!

I turn to you once again for your opinion and advice.

I've been running Fedora Core 5 on my computer ever since it's release and never had any problem with it (huh, well never had any major problem with it) until today. It first started acting funny then simply refused to boot! Let me explain:

I first started my computer and everything was working fine. Then I activated my internet connection (I don't let it activate automatically at boot time) and everything worked normally. But then when I wanted to open firefox, the window was disappearing right away. "Ok" I told myself "must be a minor bug" (Yeah, right).

I rebooted and tryed again. Same result. Then I tried to open a command line terminal. Nothing, the window jammed. I tried to open a couple of other things, nothing was working! So I rebooted a second time and it's where troubles began. First, it didn't shut down correctly (had to do 'reset'), then it wasn't booting anymore!

What was happening at boot time was the following:

Setting up Logical Volume Management: 2 logical volume(s) in volume group "VolGroup00" now active

Checking filesystems

(i.e., without -a or -p options)

*** An error occured during the file system check
*** Dropping you to a shell; the system will reboot when you leave the shell
Give root password for maintenance
(Or type Control-D to continue):
I did Ctrl-D to reboot a couple of timeds but I was always getting that message at boot time. So then I chose the other option and here's what I did abd what happened (I appologize in advance for the length):

(Repair filesystem) 1 # fsck
fsck 1.38 (30-Jun-2005)
e2fsck 1.38 (30-Jun-2005)
/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00: contains a file system with errors, check forced.
Inode 2127913 has illegal bloick(s): Clear<y>?

Illegal block #272 (67108864) in inode 2127913. CLEARED
Inodes that were part of a corrupted orphan linked list found. Fix<y>?

Inode 2520680 was part of the orphaned inode list. FIXED
Inode 5892878 has illegal bloick(s): Clear<y>?
Extended attribute block 1147509 has reference count 15, should be 14. Fix<y>?

Extended attribute block 1737738 has reference count 25, should be 14. Fix<y>?

Extended attribute block 5571585 has reference count 621, should be 610. Fix<y>?

Pass 2: Checking directory structure
Entry 'Cache' in /home/garage/.mozilla/firefox/lprm5dut.default (982155) has deleted/unused inode 4583066. Clear<y>?

Entry 'grodvi.1.gz' in /usr/share/man/man1 (3273649) has an incorrect filetype (was 5, should be 1)

Entry 'HTTP:Cookies: :Netscape.3mp.gz' in /urs/share/man/man3 (3273651) has invalid inode #: 70387318

Entry 'wy99gt-25' in /usr/share/terminfo/w (3405835) has invalid inode #: 70514785.

Entry 'pbmtozinc' in /usr/bin (3773610) has invalid inode #: 70388809.

Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
Unconnected directory inode 4583060 (/home/garage/.mozilla/firefox/(prm5dut.default/???)
Connect to /lost+found<y>?

Pass 4: Checking reference counts
Unattached inode 3278454
Connect to /lost+found<y>?

Inode 3278454 ref count is 2, should be 1. Fix<y>?

Unattached inode3279945
Connect to /lost+found<y>?

Inode 3279945 ref count is 2, should be 1. Fix<y>?

Inode 3405921 ref count is 2, should be 1. Fix<y>?

Inode 4583060 ref count is 3, should be 2. Fix<y>?

Pass 5: Checking group summary information
Block bitmap differences : -1177618 -(4052163--4052164) -(4985069--4985070) -(4985356--4985359) -(4985628--4985629) -(4985635--4985651) -(4985887--4985904) -(4985976--4985984) -(4985992--4986048) -(4986056--4986114) -(4986120--4986144)
-(4989048--4989055) -(4989110--4989117) -(4990902--4990914) -(5005359--5005360) -6325249 -(6325251--6325255) -(6326273--6326279) -(6354472--6354752) -(6354760--6354898) -(6354920--6354921) -(7147160--7147164) -(7147167--7147169) -(7147202--7047217) -(7147256--7147264) -(7147272--7147279) -(7147304--7147330)

Free blocks count wrong for group #32 (58, counted=59)

Free blocks count wrong for group #77 (58, counted=422)

Free blocks count wrong for group #88 (4, counted=11)

Free blocks count wrong for group #89 (241, counted=244)

Free blocks count wrong for group #95 (88, counted=83)

Free blocks count wrong for group #101 (51, counted=57)

Free blocks count wrong for group #102 (0, counted=65)

Free blocks count wrong for group #103 (0, counted=19)

Free blocks count wrong for group #104 (177, counted=431)

Free blocks count wrong for group #32 (58, counted=59)

Free blocks count wrong for group #105 (216, counted=246)

Free blocks count wrong for group #116 (0, counted=109)

Free blocks count wrong for group #117 (0, counted=62)

Free blocks count wrong for group #119 (0, counted=79)

Free blocks count wrong for group #123 (14, counted=169)

Free blocks count wrong for group #129 (92, counted=269)

Free blocks count wrong for group #140 (31640, counted=31617)

Free blocks count wrong for group #152 (29956, counted=30211)

Free blocks count wrong for group #193 (29208, counted=30105)

Free blocks count wrong for group #204 (2, counted=7)

Free blocks count wrong for group #211 (0, counted=7)

Free blocks count wrong for group #213 (1, counted=6)

Free blocks count wrong for group #215 (3, counted=6)

Free blocks count wrong for group #216 (0, counted=6)

Free blocks count wrong for group #218 (331, counted=399)

Free blocks count wrong (424916, counted=4251675)

Inode bitmap differences: -106587 -532571 -1146689 -2520680

Inode bitmap differences: -6299739 -8593499

Inode bitmap differences: -3317851

Free inodes count wrong for group #35 (31441, counted=31442)

Free inodes count wrong for group #35 (32680, counted=32696)

Free inodes count wrong for group #35 (32713, counted=32711)

Free inodes count wrong (9513809, counted=9513824)

/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00: *****FILE SYSTEM WAS MODIFIED*****
/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00: *****REBOOT LINUX*****
/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00: 110560/9624384 files (2.8% non-contiguous), 5365733/9614708 blocks

(Repair filesystem) 2 # fsck
fsck 1.38 (30-Jun-2005)
e2fsck 1.38 (30-Jun-2005)
dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00: clean 110560/9624384 files, 5365733/9617408 blocks
e2fsck 1.38 (30-Jun-2005)
/boot: recovering journal
/boot: clean 36/26104 files, 17737/104388 blocks

(Repair filesystem) 3 # reboot
(Repair filesystem) 4 # modprobe: WARNING: /lib/modules/2.6.18-1.2200.fc5/modules.alias line 4722: ignoring bad line starting with 'alies'

modprobe: FATAL: Error inserting bluetooth (/lib/modules/2.6.18-1.2200.fc5/kernel/net/bluetooth/bluetooth.ko): Accessing a corrupted chared library.

modprobe: WARNING: /lib/modules/2.6.18-1.2200.fc5/modules.alias line 4722: ignoring bad line starting with 'alies'

modprobe: WARNING: /lib/modules/2.6.18-1.2200.fc5/modules.alias line 4722: ignoring bad line starting with 'alies'
Then nothing else. I had to do 'reset' and then the computer could boot. But I won't try anything else before I've done a backup of everything I have on that computer just in case.

I searched the net for someone with the same problem but didn't find anything like that. However I found some cases that I thought were close enough and in their case, it was part of their hard drive that died.

Could it be that for me too?

What do you think?

Thank you very much for your time.
Old 11-01-2006, 09:15 AM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2006
Posts: 3

Rep: Reputation: 1
Hi Iltbreg,

yes, this seems to be a hardware hard disk problem.
Find out what disk drive you have and download
an analysis tool from the website of the manufacturer.
Or use "Ultimate Boot CD ", which already contains
a lot of hard disk tools for analysis and disk
copying. But it might be difficult to copy filesystems
within LVM.

Good luck !


Last edited by amanschke; 11-01-2006 at 09:16 AM.
Old 11-01-2006, 08:20 PM   #3
Registered: Feb 2006
Location: Canada
Distribution: Fedora, Mandriva
Posts: 191

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 31
Hi Andreas,

So it is what I feared it would be. Oh well. Right now my OS is completely messed up. So messed up that I haven't been able to make a backup of all my stuff on that hard drive. I had to pick the most important files and sacrifice the largest ones. I can't manage to copy or move them elsewhere before the system crashes (really reminds me the good old days with Windows). I'll follow your suggestion and still do some testing on the hardware... If I can.


Last edited by Iltbreg; 11-01-2006 at 10:08 PM.


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