Hosting secure chat on a debian Sarge server
Hi all I am wondering how to go about setting up a secure chat
room that me+colleagues can use. Totally new to this sort of
thing so any and all suggestions welcome.
Only restriction I'm working to are that the backend must be GPL
software or utilities that can run on the following:
debian Sarge with 2.4 Kernel
AMD Duron 800Mhz, 512Mb RAM, 80Gb HDD
on DMZ of firewall with a single external static IP address
I'm admin for both server and firewall
What I would like to do is have all the traffic encrypted and have
discovered that TLockbox 2.0.7 components for delphi will allow
for Blowfish encryption, if I were to knock up a delphi Win32 client.
(I would like to work with a linux client as well but my colleagues
are on Win 2000 / XP at present)
All the best