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Old 06-07-2005, 11:52 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2005
Posts: 15

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Amigo XP Saga of S/N 1

Got the CD in the mail yesterday, loaded it tonight on a Dell D600 laptop.

The installer found but did not configure the wireless (1350) card. I don't know enough to make it do so. A while back I had tried a Mepis live CD, and it did have the wireless working, so I am sure it is possible. I did have the card disabled when I shut down windows. Don't know if that would have affected the install.

Boot menu works fine.

Looking forward to playing with linux. Obviously I have a lot to learn.

If anyone can point me to some instructions on getting the wireless card working, I'd appreciate it.

Oh, the shutdown menu does not seem to work. I tried it with and without the "agp" box checked.

I had to go to Run and tell it shutdown -h now to get it to go down. Am I missing some important step, such as logging out first?

Best regards,

Old 06-08-2005, 01:43 AM   #2
Amigo developer
Registered: Dec 2003
Location: Germany
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Amigo-XP doesn't attempt to automatically configure wireless devices. It may have identified it though -look at the file /etc/sysconfig/amigo -if the card was found by hwsetup there should be some info there. I've never worked with wireless at all - click the blue Slackware icon to run PKGTOOL and then view the files for the wireless tools. Use the Coolman man-page browser to look at man pages for each tool.
In this respect (configuration of wireless devices) Amigo-XP doesn't differ from Slackware so you may find valuable tips by searching the Slackware forum here at LQ for the topic.

That PowerApp is something I kinda threw together -I've redone it now without Python -but still not completely happy with it. When ready I'll upload the fix.
Meanwhile, are you running as user 'root', 'amigo' or some other?
Try running the application like this: right-click the icon and choose 'Look Inside'. Then right-click in the window and choose 'Window' > 'Xterm here'. the in the xterm type that opens, type:
This may let you see an error message that will help me understand the problem better.

Instead of shutdown -h/-r you can just type 'poweroff' in a runbox or in an xterm.
The way to do a real 'Orderly Shutdown' is to right click on the desktop and from the WindowMaker menu choose 'Exit'. This will take you back to the GUI login. There you can choose 'shutdown' from the options, or exit the GUI login to text-mode login and shutdown from there. The PowerApp (and poweroff/shutdown) cut through all that and go to shutdown without windowmaker saving the session.
Old 06-10-2005, 12:31 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
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Hi, Gilbert. Had to relocate amigoXP to a desktop PC, where I have plenty of HD space. Laptop was just too tight, with all the work stuff there.

But desktop is wireless too, so it should be a good test.

I won't get back to amigo until the weekend, which I hear will be wet, with the first caribbean tropical storm of the season arriving.

On the power-down, I was running as amigo (user) and the shutdown menu item did absolutely nothing (cliked OK or YES, and the small window closed). Closing the window manager did allow a shutdown selection there.
Old 06-19-2005, 09:32 AM   #4
Amigo developer
Registered: Dec 2003
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Only use the PowerApp when you are logged in as root.
For users to be able to shut down or reboot, run 'minicontrol' or wmshutdown.


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