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Old 06-05-2005, 01:53 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2005
Location: Redgrave, Suffolk, England
Distribution: Yoper, Kubuntu
Posts: 6

Rep: Reputation: 0
Unhappy SpeedTouch, Rev4, USB ADSL modem on Yoper

Two questions:

First, with the considerable, and crucial, help from a number of people on the SpeedTouch mailing list, I managed to get my SpeedTouch 330 modem working with Kubuntu, using *The Linux Kernel SpeedTouch Driver for Ubuntu Hoary Hedgehog* procedure.

Now I wish to use my modem to connect to the internet with Yoper. I have been unable to find any *official Linux* procedure to do this. I have tried a number of *unofficial* schemes, all without success, and, in desperation, yesterday spent best part of three hours working my way through *The Linux Kernel SpeedTouch Driver on Linux from Scratch*. To be honest, I did not quite follow ALL of the procedure as, being a Linux novice, I chickened out of doing the 'kernel compiling' bit, as I wouldn't know what I was doing and would probably screw things up. Probably because of this, it didn't work.

Does anyone know of a foolproof procedure which will enable me to access the internet using my SpeedTouch 330 modem with Yoper?

Second, in desperation, I have been trying to use the 'Linux Kernel Speedtouch Driver for Ubuntu Warty Warthog' procedure to solve my problem on Yoper. Towards the end of this procedure, under the heading: *Tidying Up*, we are instructed to : Open /etc/modules with a text editor:

gedit /etc/modules

Add these two entries.



When I call up /etc/modules with a text editor, eg, vi, I cannot open it for editing. How can I add the two entries?

On the other hand, am I wasting my time trying to use this procedure for Yoper?




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