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Old 03-23-2007, 02:45 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2004
Posts: 13

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32bit ati drivers on Ubuntu x64

Hi - I've managed to install the latest ATI drivers on my ubuntu box with no probs, direct rendering etc works fine. The problem I have now is that for some reason 32 bit apps dont use the 64 bit graphics driver I've installed - meaning that 64 bit games etc run perfectly but 32 bit apps have appalling frame rates (or don't work at all unless I install the ia32-libs package). Is there any way around this? In Windows 32 bit apps use the 64 bit drivers that u've installed so why doesn't that happen in linux???

Thanks in advance...

Old 03-24-2007, 01:01 PM   #2
Registered: Aug 2006
Posts: 72

Rep: Reputation: 15
Ok, now to clarify, you have the Ubuntu x64 (amd64) architecture image installed, not the x86 image?

All standard software on tht image should all run in 64 bit. It's propriety software that you may have issues with. What are the apps that you're having issues with? That might help in determining a cause of the issue further.


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