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Old 04-07-2012, 07:31 PM   #1
LXer NewsBot
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LXer: TLWIR 35: Open Versus Closed Mobility – The Nokia N900 Versus The Nokia Lumia 900

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When Nokia’s N900 smart phone was released on November 11th, 2009, it was a revolutionary device. The N900 truly contained the power of a desktop computer in the form factor of a mobile phone. It ran the Maemo 5 Linux-based operating system, and its hardware specs made geeks around the world drool. So why did Nokia turn their backs on a device so far ahead of its time? They were offered a deal that they found too good to refuse. That deal led to the Lumia 900, and other Windows Phone 7 Nokia smartphones. In this edition of the Linux Week in Review, I will take a close look at how the three year old Nokia N900 measures up against the much newer Lumia 900. Is the Lumia 900 doomed or is it destined to become a smashing success?



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