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Slackware - Installation This forum is for the discussion of installation issues with Slackware.


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Old 02-01-2004, 05:34 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2004
Posts: 1

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Sound doesnot work

I am new to slackware. I have installed slackware 9.1 but am not able to get the sound to work. I have creative SB Live! sound card and have configured it using alsaconf. I have changed the volumes for all possible options in alsamixer with no avail.

I tried using xmms, mpg321, as root and as well as normal user but I don't get any sound (no error either except if I use ctrl-z with mpg321 some times I see alsa_write error.) . I did lsmod to check if the sound module was loaded and I found that emu10k1 was loaded along with hundread other sound modules like snd, soundcore etc.

I have another onboard sound card, which I have disabled on my BIOS but alsaconf does pick it up. I have not configured it but does some one think that it might also create the problem?

Thanx for any help you can provide,
Old 02-01-2004, 07:46 PM   #2
Registered: Jan 2004
Location: Poland
Distribution: FreeBSD 5.1
Posts: 92

Rep: Reputation: 15
1. Remove all AC97 modules (put their names in /etc/hotplug/blacklist ) and onboard sound card modules, for example:

You can find the whole list by typing lsmod

2. Type alsaconf and configure your right sound card
3. Type alsamixer -c your_card_id (i supose it's 1 or 2) and unmute all channels except SB Live Analog/Digital Output Jack (if you are using SB Live card)
4. Reboot your pc to reload modules
5. If it still doesnt work, try to change modules rights (as root) :
chmod 777 /dev/dsp*
chmod 777 /dev/mixer*

and also:

amixer set Master unmute
amixer set PCM unmute

Switch your audio output, it can be ALSA or OSS (for example for mp3's)
It should work.


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