I'm a linux newbie and I lack the knowledge to make a bootable slackware 10.1 install cd. If you could help I would be grateful.
I've already read the README file located at ftp.slackware.com/pub/slackware/slackware-10.1/isolinux/ but couldn't understand anything by the lines :
get into the top level Slackware directory (The one with ChangeLog.txt in it) and issue a command like this to build the ISO image in /tmp:
mkisofs -o /tmp/slackware.iso \
-R -J -V "Slackware Install" \
-x ./bootdisks \
-x ./extra \
-x ./slackware/gnome \
-x ./pasture \
-x ./patches \
-x ./rootdisks \
-x ./source \
-x ./zipslack \
-hide-rr-moved \
-v -d -N -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table \
-sort isolinux/iso.sort \
-b isolinux/isolinux.bin \
-c isolinux/isolinux.boot \
-A "Slackware Install CD" .
NOTE : I can burn the cds in windows. But if there isn't a way around this in windows environment, then you can also explain it according to Knoppix.
I've made other searches in google but couldn't find (or understand
anything. As I've said, I'm a total newbie so; if you could tell me what to do step by step it would be very helpful.