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Slackware - ARM This forum is for the discussion of Slackware ARM.


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Old 10-01-2015, 05:17 PM   #1
Registered: Oct 2005
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Distribution: Slackware64-current
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newbie on ARM - will it run on an Akitio MyCloud Mini?

Hi all,

Some two years ago I posted this thread to see if i could run the ARM version of Slackware on my device. I am returning to Slackware after a while, have found the device sitting idly and thought: "Well?! Why not?". I'm rsyncing the slackwarearm-current tree as I write this.

The thing about my device is that it doesn't boots the normal distro and either I try using it powered on or it becomes a fancy paper-weight.

Since it has a SOC processor, I'm guessing I should follow the /INSTALL_KIRKWOOD.TXT instructions, right?

Am I on the right track here?
Old 10-02-2015, 08:50 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by gtludwig View Post
Hi all,

Some two years ago I posted this thread to see if i could run the ARM version of Slackware on my device. I am returning to Slackware after a while, have found the device sitting idly and thought: "Well?! Why not?". I'm rsyncing the slackwarearm-current tree as I write this.

The thing about my device is that it doesn't boots the normal distro and either I try using it powered on or it becomes a fancy paper-weight.

Since it has a SOC processor, I'm guessing I should follow the /INSTALL_KIRKWOOD.TXT instructions, right?

Am I on the right track here?
SoC means System on Chip - nearly all ARM devices these days are SoC. It means that there's one chip that contains everything rather than multiple chips for network,audio and so on.

The device you are looking at is not a Kirkwood nor is it any of the other supported devices. The data sheet is here:

As I said in the previous post, you an use the userland packages but there is no Kernel provided that will support this.
There also doesn't seem to be much about it in the context of Linux Distribution support apart from the ArchLinux thread that you found. That thread is also from 2012 and uses an old Kernel (obviously), so as to whether the support for that device is in the main tree would need to be investigated.
Old 10-15-2015, 06:05 AM   #3
Registered: Dec 2013
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Have not looked at what's available on your nas but if you can have a serial console you could try booting the newest bootloader/kernel available from Ark for your device with the Slackware ARM mini root (make sure you fix a few bits and pieces like fstab and inittab) and see what's working and what not. Then work on from there.


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