Originally Posted by kermitdafrog8
Thanks for what you do with Sarpi Exaga. And thanks to drmozes for all you do with Slackware on ARM. Upgrading to the new updates released recently fixed the problem. I'll mark as solved.
Thanks, and good to know it's been resolved.
As I previously wrote, the wireless issue(s) aren't anything to do with Slackware, they happen because the Raspberry Pi kernel devs seem to have a knack for breaking things that were working just fine. I haven't changed anything within SARPi shizzle to make any difference. So, your particular problem is something that happens from time to time for whatever reason(s). Make a note of this for future reference because it isn't the first time this one's come around, and most likely won't be the last time either!
[EDIT] I was only 92.7% happy with the penultimate SARPi batch so I built another and uploaded it this morning - these I am 100% happy with.