Xfree-86 DRI extension in i810 chipset
Hi all,
I have an intel 815 chipset graphics card. In the X cfg file, I uncommented the lines load glx and load dri, further in rc.modules i uncommented modprobe agpgart. While booting, the kernel messages show that the DRI module has recognized my card as an i810. But when I run glxgears, the gears run, but i get the message : Extension XFree86-DRI missing on display 0.0.
How do i enable this ?
Also, glxgears run in the default small window at 140 FPS while i am in a 24 bit desktop, which is my default. But if i change my resolution to 16 bpp, glxgears speed becomes vastly improved : about 320 FPS. Futher I do not get the message : Extension XFree86-DRI missing on display 0.0. What's this for ? Can i improve glxgears performance on 24 bpp ?
Thanks in advance !!