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Old 05-11-2006, 05:32 PM   #1
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Registered: Mar 2004
Location: Middx UK
Distribution: Slackware64 15.0 (multilib)
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Unable to logout of kde session

I am running kde in runmode 4.

I have a new but intermittent problem that when I am logged on as alan and I try to logout of the session by Kmenu/logout I am not being logged out. The dialog box comes up and I select logout but all that happens is that I get back to the desktop.

If I try it again the same thing happens or the dialog box doesn't come up. Sometimes I do get logged out eventually. Sometimes I am forced to do ctrl-alt-backspace.

I have not noticed this problem with other users.

i cannot think what I might have dome to have caused this problem. I recently upgraded to 2.6 but this problem was also happenning in 2.4
Old 05-11-2006, 05:33 PM   #2
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Further note: After my failed attempts at logging out I might be unable to close windows by clicking on the top right corner X but have to select File/Quit
Old 05-11-2006, 07:30 PM   #3
Registered: Sep 2003
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I've noticed this behaviour (in your first post) across a number of distributions and versions of KDE and while not a huge problem it's tiresome.

Most times, if I repeat the command using the logout option the K menu, it performs. On rare occasions when it refuses for a second time, I close all running applications manually and tried once more. If that fails, X gets the three fingered salute.

I remember with SuSE 9.2, I think it was, the problem was so bad on one computer, I switched off the KDE Session saver so as to minimise any problems when starting and closing X, I recall this helped. Worth a try?


Old 05-12-2006, 03:52 AM   #4
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I am contemplating deleting the.kde files so that I have a clean slate for kde. I have noticed some off behavour with icons. The positions are not being saved and some end up being piled on top of each other in the top left hand corner. I suspect something is corrupt somewhere. This might link with your idea of switching off the session saver.
Old 05-12-2006, 11:35 AM   #5
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I would suggest uninstalling KDE and getting the latest KDE package from Slackware-current. All your configurations will still be saved if you don't delete the ~/.kde directory. It would be a pain to have to redo everything, especialy if you have your K Start bar heavily customized.

Old 05-12-2006, 08:40 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by drkstr
I would suggest uninstalling KDE and getting the latest KDE package from Slackware-current. All your configurations will still be saved if you don't delete the ~/.kde directory. It would be a pain to have to redo everything, especialy if you have your K Start bar heavily customized.

The problem is that the slackware-current KDE is compiled against upgraded libraries (glibc, etc) and with a newer compiler.

I bet that by only updating KDE by using the precompiled packages and not re-compiling the packages, all he'll be able to see is a "segmentation fault" every times he tries to run KDE...

If he wants to try the slackware-current KDE he needs to upgrade his whole system to slackware-current.....
Old 05-12-2006, 10:48 PM   #7
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There was actually only a few packages that needed to be upgraded when I installed the current version of KDE. I don't remember which ones they were off the top of my head, but KDE will fail with a "file not found" error. Just plug that file name into the "search by file" feature on the slackware package site and it will return the needed package. I think I had to do this about 3 times before it worked.

Old 05-12-2006, 11:10 PM   #8
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Jesus Crist.
Don't tell me that without upgrading glibc the KDE 3.5.2 packages from slackware-current run fine.
Old 05-12-2006, 11:22 PM   #9
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that could have been one of them, I honestly don't remember. I just remember I had it up and running in about 15 min after upgrading a few dependencies.


like I said earlier, all I did was copy and paste whatever file it was having problems with into the search for package by file name feature. I wasn't really paying attention to what I was installing since I desperatly needed KDE working to write my paper. (probably not the best way to upgrade dependencies)

**edit again (last time I promis)**
I do remember however that only 1 package had to be upgraded while the other ones didn't exist at all in 10.2. I think the one I upgraded was infact glibc because I was worried I wouldn't be able to install the new after I removed it. I went ahead and did it anyways because I wasn't compiling anything, just installing a package which doesn't require anything fancy.

Last edited by drkstr; 05-12-2006 at 11:36 PM.


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