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Old 05-04-2006, 08:08 PM   #1
Registered: Jan 2006
Location: Macomb, IL
Distribution: Slackware 13.1
Posts: 152

Rep: Reputation: 17
slackware server/network question

I will discribe my network first:

(internet)---((eth0)slackware router(eth1))---(d-link switch)---(D-Link Di-524 wireless router)-*-(d-link DWL-G820)---((eth0)slackware router(eth1))---(D-Link switch)

--- = wired
-*- = wireless.

The first network is directly connected to the internet and is in the subnet 192.168.1.*/24. The D-Link DWL-G820 is a wireless network extender that connects to the wireless router. This is suposed to extend the network to the second slackware machine. The 192.168.1.* subnet runs from eth1 on the first slackware router to eth0 on the second slackware router. When I plug my windows machine into the extender i get an ip address and it works fine. When I plug the second slackware machine into the extender it will not get an ip address and can't ping to the extender also. But if you plug the second slackware machine directly into the wired port it works fine. Any ideas why the second slackware machine will not recieve an ip address from the wireless network extender? Should I just get a wireless network card and connected the second slackware machine directly to the access point and not use the extender?
Old 05-04-2006, 11:40 PM   #2
Registered: Jul 2003
Location: Montana
Posts: 304

Rep: Reputation: Disabled
I assume you are using DHCP on your DWL-G820? Is it set to put out IP's above .100? I know on the Linksys router I use to have it would not assign a dhcpc ip to my linux boxes if it was over .100. Try using a static IP on your slackware box and see what happens.
Old 05-05-2006, 01:09 AM   #3
Registered: Jan 2006
Location: Macomb, IL
Distribution: Slackware 13.1
Posts: 152

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 17
Well I am using the wireless to connect two houses. My house connects the internet and everything here works fine. My slackware router acts as a DHCP server(192.168.1.*). I assumed that with the DWL-G820 that it would connect to my access point and extend the network to my neightboors house to their slackware machine that also acts as a DHCP/NAT(192.168.2.*). They have a different subnet then mine. When you plug their Slackware machine directly into the wired port in my house it all works perfect. As soon as you plug it into the DWL-G820 it will not get an ip address(I also tried to ping and it said host was unreachable). However when I plug my Windows machine into the DWL-G820, it recieves an IP and everything is good.


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