Well last night when I got home from work the wife told me that she could not connect to our linux box anymore to connect or disconnect our internet connection. So I plugged the box up to a monitor and keyboard and booted up.
ACK! Hard drive errors all over the place.
So I pulled the computer off the network and put a Dual PII Windows XP computer back in place of it so I could get our internet up and running quickly.
My firewall box crashed and burned. After a couple reboots trying to fix the problems, now my BIOS is reporting that the hard drive has died.
Well I have had this hard drive for 8 years. 6.5 Gb Quantum Bigfoot. I know it's slow but I have grown quite attached to this drive. I have been able over the past 8 years to zerofill this drive and use it again 4 times now. Probably is time to scrap it and move on.
So now I have a Dual PII system that my Father-in-law gave me for helping him pickout a new machine and installing WinXP on another machine for him.
So I will junk my old quantum drive so I am not tempted to use it again, and I will put linux on my new Dell PII with 9Gb SCSI.
Problem is I don't know what I need to do to enable SMP, and I don't know what it takes to setup a SCSI drive with linux.
Please help if you can.
Thanks in advance.