dhclient issues slackware 14 can not connec wifi
Hi i ve installed slackware 14 un my toshiba laptop and
when i try connect to internet there is not iwconfig interface rtl8723ae , i have 4 boot on my laptop windows 8 , 7 , ubuntu , and slackware ,when i installed ubuntu , i downloaded a driver and i can install it , but i canot find nothing for slackware , and i tried install with ubuntu driver , and yeah its work , but when i tried connect networkmanager (seeing my red ) , shows me a error ""failed to add/activvate connection did not receive a reply .possible causes include . the remote application did not send a reply , the message bus security policy blocked the reply .the reply timeout expired , or network conection was broken"" ,
well , i tried connect with console you know
ifconfig wlan0 up
iwlist wlan0 scan
iwconfig wlan0 essid "essid" key "pass"
dhclient wlan0 <---- just there is the error
i can see all wireless network when i scaned
when i try connect to my wireless network , and when i try
write "dhclient wlan0 "
freeze long time and never obtains dhclient wlan0 and i cannot connect , ironic i can see all networks but i canot connect
on windows runs ok 7 and 8 , and ubuntu too slow but works , but slackware no , i before installed archlinux 2013 , and works perfect , but i dont know why on slackware i canot connect, ethernet connection is normal , i dont know i need a distro , if i canot find solution , i will unnistal slackware and i will install archlinux again ,,