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Old 08-05-2006, 03:35 PM   #1
Registered: Aug 2006
Location: Pretoria, South Africa
Distribution: Linux Mint 13 Cinnamon
Posts: 66

Rep: Reputation: 16
can't find libdns

Hello, new member here...

Relatively new to Slackware, not so new to linux in general, though admittedly used distros like Mandriva and Fedora.

I tried to run ksysguard but I got this output:

bash-3.00$ ksysguard
ksysguard: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Any hints as to what the solution here might be? I've tried chmod +x on rc.dnsmasq or something like that and then rebooting, but it seems to be the same problem. Also note that I did a full install this morning and upgraded a few packages (like mozilla, thunderbird, kde, mysql) and installed a few new ones (amarok, k3b)

Any help I'd appreciate...

Old 08-05-2006, 03:55 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by silkenphoenixx
Hello, new member here...

Relatively new to Slackware, not so new to linux in general, though admittedly used distros like Mandriva and Fedora.

I tried to run ksysguard but I got this output:

bash-3.00$ ksysguard
ksysguard: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Any hints as to what the solution here might be? I've tried chmod +x on rc.dnsmasq or something like that and then rebooting, but it seems to be the same problem. Also note that I did a full install this morning and upgraded a few packages (like mozilla, thunderbird, kde, mysql) and installed a few new ones (amarok, k3b)

Any help I'd appreciate...

swaret. slapget? Told it to update to -current, right?

You broke it. -current is SO FAR ahead of 10.2, it will break it. kde depends on MANY other things to work, that 'upgrading' piecemeal like you did is a guaranteed way to make it not work.

Since it is a new install, the absolute easiest way to make sure everything is back to baseline is to reinstall (Yes, there are other ways, but since it's as broke as I think it is, a wipe/reinstall of 20mins is alot easier than finding and fixing broken apps for the next two weeks).

If you wish to have the latest and greatest, install -current. There are threads in this forum that tells you where to get/download iso's of it. I have my own mirror of -current that I maintain for myself for just this reason.

And warning: Use swaret/slaptget if you must, but READ THE CHANGELOGS, and don't upgrade to -current at this time. Keep it to 10.2, and you should be fine. Never 'automagically' update. READ. READ somemore. Then you must do one more thing: READ.

Last edited by cwwilson721; 08-05-2006 at 03:56 PM.
Old 08-05-2006, 04:20 PM   #3
Registered: Aug 2006
Location: Pretoria, South Africa
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um... no. I didn't use swaret or slapget, I looked at those but I decided that I didn't like them. The reason that I installed slackware was to get away from package managers after bad experiences with yum.

I removed the old packages using pkgtool, then I downloaded new ones from Everything seemed to work fine, excepting ksysguard (although admittedly, I haven't done all that much except browsing and email. I wanted to use ksysguard because I was playing around with VMware, and I wanted to see how my system was handling it. That's when I noticed the libdns problem...

I only did this update because I had been using kde 3.5 and firefox 1.5 and I preferred them to the ones that slack 10.2 shipped with.

Perhaps it isn't as broke as you think?
Old 08-05-2006, 04:26 PM   #4
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Might not be.

Do you recall EXACTLY what you removed earlier? If so, remove the 'updated' kde package, and reinstall the old one. That may straighten you out.

If you don't recall, remove the new kde package, then mount cd2, cd to /kde, then reinstall every packe ther (shotgun approach, I know, but it should work)

It seems like the package you got for kde was not a complete update. Looks like it's missing the updates for some libs.

Give the above a try. If all else fails, reinstall. You aren't all that deep into it yet, so it's not a huge deal. (I really HATE giving out that advice, but sometimes, it is the quickest and easiest. Just store your updated packages except the kde one somewhere so you won't wipe it, wipe the '/' drive, reinstall, install the updated packages...) As I said, the 20-30 mins maybe alot faster/easier than the days of "WTF?" and searching/asking/implementing solutions...

Last edited by cwwilson721; 08-05-2006 at 04:27 PM.
Old 08-05-2006, 04:51 PM   #5
Registered: Aug 2006
Location: Pretoria, South Africa
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hmmm... sounds reasonable. The problem is k3b needs kde 3.5 to run. Should I try to get an earlier version of k3b?

Perhaps the problem is this: When I downloaded the new kde packages I left out the ones that I thought I wouldn't be using (webdevelop comes to mind, thinking about dns). Perhaps fully installing the new kde would work?

Old 08-05-2006, 04:55 PM   #6
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As a rule of thumb, always install 'full' first. That way, you know you have everything. After that, you can remove/test, until you get a good feel for what you need and don't need.

As for k3b, my 10.2 was a full install to begin with, and in /extra on cd2 was k3b. It installed fine.
Old 08-05-2006, 05:12 PM   #7
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Odd, I could have sworn that it didn't come with k3b. Oh, well, that's minor. Thanks for the help. I think I've still got lots to learn...
Old 08-05-2006, 05:21 PM   #8
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We all do. Everyday. I just learned my 11 year-old can hack my webserver...Smart kid. I'll have to stop him soon. Maybe. lol
Old 08-05-2006, 05:27 PM   #9
Registered: Aug 2006
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Woah. I'm 18 and I can't do that... not that I'm really interested in breaking in places.

Mind he doesn't get into any trouble.

Do you have any suggestions about where I can find things out about slackware? There was a lot of stuff available for Fedora, but slackware fans don't seem to be so organised.
Old 08-05-2006, 05:30 PM   #10
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Organized? ORGANIZED? We don't need no stinking organization!!! We're anarchists! Sign up at... never mind. Nobody does...


Try, has TONS of info.

Look thru a few of the posts on here. One member has a list in his sig as long as your arm.

Yep. We are organized. Just sloppy.
Old 08-05-2006, 05:36 PM   #11
Registered: Aug 2006
Location: Pretoria, South Africa
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Aah. Hence slackware, I suppose. I'll remember that. Hope you're not offended if I don't reply further, but it's approaching midnight, and I suppose since I have to get up early tomorrow, I should probably get to bed. I'm one of those rare linux users who switches his PC off at night! (Mostly because my power supply sounds not unlike a typhoon, and I can't out-noise it trying to sleep!)

Thanks for all the help and suggestions


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