2048-bit encrypt/decrypt help
As a new Slackware user, I have been able to read many threads (about 425 of them), and get a better idea on the whole linux platform (being a Microsoft addict for 25 years). I have come to love Linux and only wish now I would have started out years ago using it's powerful capabilities. With this under my belt though, I have managed to code a 2048-bit encryption/decryption program without using "conventional" techniques. Linux--or should I say Slackware, has given me the tools I needed to finish this project of about 10 years. Where Using Microsoft I was always missing something. Anyway, my program is able to decrypt files that I didn't even know could be decrypted. I've tested it extensively and have had a few friends send me ecrypted files that they thought were impossible to decrypt. While most would think my algorythim is a little shady I was wondering what other Linux user though about me tying to Alpha test it with everyone else. I would allow users to download it and tell me what bugs they've found and to what extent the program can decrypt. I won't go into any detail about the code or the algorithm, but I just wanted to get some ideas from this forum. Thank you!