one footnote, here
i just did a test install, to see if installing under user$ has probs. i had a 100% successfull install, from my home desktop, wiht the binary downloaded from Reson, Va, into my /home/dean/d (for downloads--duh) files. if you missed something here, that could also monkeywrench your install:
[dean@owensby dean]$ su -
[root@owensby root]# chmod u+x /home/dean/d/amsn-0.91-1-installer.bin
[root@owensby root]# chmod 500 /home/dean/d/amsn-0.91-1-installer.bin
[root@owensby root]# /home/dean/d/amsn-0.91-1-installer.bin
[root@owensby root]#
follow the instructions, and i recommend putting it into /usr/lib/Amsn, vice the default /opt partition.
luck -O.
note: just read the FAQ's. make sure you have tk and tcl installed first! this may have something to do with it.
Last edited by dfowensby; 05-11-2004 at 10:14 AM.