diskless boot problem with RHEL3 client
I'm hoping someone can help me with a diskless
boot over NFS issue I've run into with RHEL3/b4
I've followed the redhat documentation and used
redhat-config-netboot on my RHEl3 NFS server.
The /tftpboot area got set up correctly with the
"initrd.img" and "vmlinuz" files. I've read the chapter over many times but must be missing something.
My diskless client has PXE enabled and was able
to obtain an IP address through DHCP. It got as far
as mounting /proc and running "disklessrc" where it fails
Loading NFS module disklessrc
disklessrc: line 1: grep: command not found
disklessrc: line 128: cat: command not found
Then drops me into a shell (ash) where it appears that it doesn't
have paths to any of the usual commands like ls, less etc.
I'm suspecting some issues with my nfs setup. /etc/exports
/diskless/root/ *(ro,sync,no_root_squash)
/diskless/snapshot *(rw,sync,no_root_squash)
any ideas/comments would be appreciated .