Rename all ".JPG" files to ".jpg" under all subfolders...
Hi, Dear all:
One question ! ^_^
My question is not to rename all ".JPG" files to ".jpg" in a single folder, but to rename all ".JPG" files to ".jpg" in all subfolders.
To rename all ".JPG" to ".jpg" in a single folder,
" for x in *.JPG; do mv "$x" "${x%.JPG}.jpg"; done "
works fine for me.
But how to recursively enter every subfolder and rename all the files?
(Well, if possible, enter every subfolder's subfolder.. recursively?? )
In sum, given a folder, all files under this folder, and all its subfolder, and all the subsubfolders, should be finally renamed in one specific rule.
How to deal with it?
Thank you very much and looking forward to your reply.
Best Regards