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Old 05-05-2004, 01:06 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2004
Posts: 2

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encapsulating TCP packets in UDP packets...

somebody please help..................somehow i need to encapsulate TCP packets in UDP packets when the socket is in ECHO mode...............after scanning through kernel code i think i need to change something in tcp_transmit_skb(), like adding "err = udp_send_msg(sk, msg, skb)" if TCP_ECHO mode is on.......or something

the problem is that there is very little documentation on how to create a UDP many structures to look at and not knowing what each member does.....................

any kinda help would be great...............somebody please..............
Old 05-05-2004, 02:25 PM   #2
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This is more appropriately a programming question, since the networking section is more for configuration rather than stack modifications.

By the way, are you planning on modifying both the sender and the recipient's TCP stack? If not, you better think about that right now because a sender is not going to accept a UDP datagram being sent to an unbound UDP port in response to a TCP transmission.
Old 05-05-2004, 03:36 PM   #3
Registered: Mar 2003
Posts: 804

Rep: Reputation: 30
have u lost your mind? anyhow, start with creating udp header: read further down the post. as for hackin up the protocol stack, im not qualified to answer taht one.. not till i read tcp/ip illustrated 2 that is
Old 06-03-2004, 02:53 PM   #4
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2004
Location: nepal
Posts: 26

Rep: Reputation: 15
create UDP packet. u can do that can't u? then encapsulate the TCP packet in the UDP data field. that should do. but send it on the UDP port or else it may not get accepted by the reciever. plus the reciever should now what it got just now is a TCP packet encapsulated in a UDP so be careful..



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