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Old 05-29-2014, 02:45 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2014
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bash take known uuid and feed to fsarchiver as /dev/sdwhateveritisnow

I'm using fsarchiver to backup my system to 1 of 3 volumes.

The problem I'm having is that two of the volumes are external SATA drives that I don't have on unless I'm backing up. When they are off my system shows:

root /dev/sda1
data /dev/sdb2
stor /dev/sdb3

However when I startup with one of external SATA backup volumes on the devs get shifted:

sync1 /dev/sda1
root /dev/sdb1
data /dev/sdc2
stor /dev/sdc3

It gets even more convoluted if I turn on both the SATA volumes.

I'm writing multiple backup sripts that backup certain volumes and I don't want to keep playing "guess the /dev" with each script.

I have a list of all of the UUID for my volumes. What I need is a way to get the current /dev from the UUID so I can feed that to fsarchiver. I imagine it to look something along the lines of:

MYROOTDISK=`something that takes uuid for root system volume and outputs it as /dev/sdwhateveritisnow`
MYDESTDISK1=`something that takes uuid for root system volume and outputs it as /dev/sdwhateveritisnow`

fsarchiver -z4 -j2 savefs ${MYDESTDISK1}/backup.fsa ${MYROOTDISK}

Any ideas on how to take the uuid and find its current /dev/s?? so that I can feed it to fsarchiver?

Thanks In Advance!
Old 05-29-2014, 03:08 PM   #2
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ls -l /dev/disk/by-id
The readlink command should help in translating symbolic links to sd names.
Old 05-29-2014, 09:14 PM   #3
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Hmmm, OK. This isn't what I'm looking for. I'm not working with symbolic links, I'm backing up entire file systems (using fsarchiver).

What I need is a way to take my UUIDs (which don't change) and find out what /dev/sd?# they are at the time of my backups. I need that information in a string that I can plug into fsarchiver.

mount /dev/sdb9 /media/sdb9
fsarchiver savefs /media/sdb9/foobackup.fsa /dev/sda1

This mounts the destination volume /dev/sdb9 as /media/sdb9 and then creates the backup of the target file system /dev/sda1 to destination "foobackup.fsa" on /media/sdb9.

My problem is the destination "sdb9" isn't always the same. My external SATA drives vs my external USB drives vs my SDHC cards. But the UUID of the destination volume I intend to use is always the same. I need a way to find out what the /dev/sd?# is from the destinations UUID.

Thanks anyway!

Anyone else?
Old 05-29-2014, 09:25 PM   #4
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Had you taken the previous advice seriously and done some looking you might have found /dev/disk/by-uuid

There is also blkid - probably requires root/sudo depending on distro.
Old 05-29-2014, 09:47 PM   #5
LQ Newbie
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[SOLVED] bash take known uuid and feed to fsarchiver as /dev/sdwhateveritisnow

OK, I figured it out!

smallpond you were sooo close. You should use: ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/
which gives the example result:

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 May 29 17:13 5e02d4ae-5476-471c-bec1-529801e35941 -> ../../sdb2
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 May 29 17:13 9da321dc-f08c-456a-b6f4-66b559893994 -> ../../sda1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 May 29 17:13 BB75-CADC -> ../../sdb3
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 May 29 17:13 c508ff5e-fe52-447a-a66c-92e8f63db180 -> ../../sdb1

But that's still not what I'm looking for. While it connects the UUID to the /dev/sd?# I'd have pipe together a bunch of cuts to get the result I want. Also notice that /dev/sdb3 isn't the same length as the other UUIDs. That means even more has to be done to get the result I need.

That's when I went back to blkid where I got my UUIDs in the first place. I RTFM for blkid and found: blkid -U <UUID> (BTW, that option is a capital U). So, lets say for example that I know my destination UUID is 9da321dc-f08c-456a-b6f4-66b559893994, but I don't know what the current /dev/sd?# is for it.

blkid -U 9da321dc-f08c-456a-b6f4-66b559893994
gives me the example result:


And that is exactly what I'm looking for!


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